Jonathan Payne is an Adjunct Lecturer in Global Health at the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH), where he is co-instructor of Using Mobile Technology to Improve Health Outcomes, and is a regular lecturer on digital health topics. Jon’s work focuses on the effective integration and adoption of information and communications technologies (ICT) to strengthen health systems in low-resource settings.
He has supported the strategic development and execution of national eHealth strategies in Nigeria and in Ethiopia, leading technical assistance for prioritization of government digital health investments, conceptualization of information system architectures, and implementation of key foundational health information exchange components, including national health data dictionaries and master facility registries. Jon has designed and implemented mobile health interventions for community health workers providing maternal-child health, infectious disease, chronic disease, and mental health follow-up in India, Tanzania, Haiti, Rwanda, and Mexico. Jon has also worked as a senior consultant, advising on the use of digital tools for malaria elimination surveillance and on strengthening capacity for eHealth leadership and governance. Jon serves as co-chair of the OpenHIE Terminology Services community, and is a contributing member of the Health Level 7 LMIC mHealth Workgroup and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee 215 on Health Informatics.