Projects: Collaborate.Health

Analyzing Strategic Hospital Affiliations

Finding viable partners for health system network development in Vermont

Agency Partner
Massachusetts General Hospital
Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations
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MGH would like to develop the organization’s network in the state of Vermont (VT). MGH had initially completed a comprehensive analysis of VT, however students in this course were asked to refine these analyses and look further into market dynamics. Through conversations with the project lead and the application of strategic management tools, our team analyzed the current situation to identify actionable next steps and propose new opportunities for engagement within VT.


In this analysis, we examined a number of healthcare institutions located in four targeted VT counties. Each institution was evaluated based on their own unique characteristics and market data. The team also took into consideration clinical service line data, financial and patient volume data, geographic barriers, and took a closer look at the county population served for supporting information.


MGH is no longer able to grow in the state of Massachusetts through hospital acquisition, so it must broaden its strategy if it aims to increase size and scale. Vermont, a bordering state, has a number of academic and community-based hospitals that currently collaborate with MGH on a number of initiatives and exchange patient referrals. Forming new relationships with these organizations has been somewhat difficult over the years, but given the proximity further investigation in new collaborations is warranted.


All four counties of particular interest and their respective healthcare organizations are viable potential partners and could present as a strength to support the development of Mass General’s network in Vermont.


Two specific hospitals were identified as potential targets for strategic affiliations or acquisition. Based on proximity and alignment of service lines, the student team recommended that the leadership from MGH’s network development team consider multiple types of arrangements with these organizations based on services provided at MGH that may not be offered in Vermont. Broader topics around acquisitions were discussed, but ultimately ended up outside the scope of this project.

Project Timeline:

This project took 4 months to complete during the semester


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